I'm Marcin Mitruk, and

I'm AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate

You can review certificate here by entering Validation Number C5ZXY1TCQMQQQE5P


I have AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification

You can review certificate here by entering Validation Number GBHB24NLE2Q1QJCH

and also

HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate

I have a Bachelor’s degree which I achieved after finishing Information Technology in Agricultural Engineering at the the University of Life Sciences in Lublin .

My skills I’ve got to tell you about


Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with Terraform:

I leverage Terraform to automate the provisioning and management of cloud infrastructure, specifically in the AWS environment. By utilizing Terraform, I streamline the process of deploying and configuring resources, enabling efficient and scalable infrastructure deployment. Additionally, I employ Terraform to automate various aspects of my home lab, allowing for the seamless automation of a wide range of infrastructure components.

resource "joke" "terraform_joke" {
  setup     = "Why did the Terraform developer get lost?"
  punchline = "Because his infrastructure was all over the place!"

output "funny_joke" {
  value = joke.terraform_joke.setup + " " + joke.terraform_joke.punchline

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with Ansible:

I am highly proficient in utilizing Ansible, a powerful automation tool that complements Terraform in orchestrating and managing server configurations. With Ansible, I can efficiently execute tasks such as running scripts and managing server configurations across various providers. While Terraform and Ansible are both automation tools, they excel in different areas, making them a powerful combination when used together. By leveraging Ansible alongside Terraform, I can achieve comprehensive automation and streamline the deployment and management of infrastructure components.

- name: Funny Ansible Joke
  hosts: localhost
    - name: setup joke
        setup: "Why did the Ansible playbook break up with the server?"
        punchline: "Because it had too many unresolved issues!"

    - name: display joke
        msg: "{{ setup }} {{ punchline }}"

Proficient in Containerization:

I possess a strong understanding of containerization, specifically Docker. I am skilled in creating, building, inspecting, and customizing Docker images to meet production requirements. Whether it’s deploying standalone Docker images or integrating them within Kubernetes (K8s) orchestration, I have the expertise to ensure efficient containerization of applications. With my knowledge of Docker and its ecosystem, I can contribute to streamlined and scalable deployment processes in production environments

FROM m4r6in/get-Image

LABEL maintainer="Docker Lover <marcinmitruk@hotmail.com>"

RUN echo "Why don't scientists trust atoms?"
RUN echo "Because they make up everything!"

Within the Kubernetes ecosystem:

I possess the ability to deploy and manage Kubernetes clusters on both bare metal infrastructure and cloud providers such as AWS or Digital Ocean. I have a solid understanding of Kubernetes networking principles, including configuring and managing the ingress component. Additionally, I am well-versed in working with Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs), Persistent Volumes (PVs), config maps, and Secrets to securely store sensitive information. Furthermore, I am proficient in configuring and managing StatefulSets and Deployments, ensuring optimal performance and scalability for applications within the Kubernetes environment.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: joke-pod
  - name: joke-container
    image: laugh-generator:latest
    command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
    - echo "Why did the developer go broke?"
    - echo "Because he lost his Docker container in a Kubernetes cluster!"

Aws Amazon web services

I have achieved two notable certifications in the field of AWS: AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate and AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification. These certifications validate my comprehensive knowledge and expertise in architecting and implementing AWS solutions. Furthermore, I have completed an extensive course on AWS Certified Security, which has further enriched my understanding of securing AWS environments. My proficiency extends to various AWS services, including IAM (Identity and Access Management), EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), RDS (Relational Database Service), and implementing robust security measures in diverse scenarios. With this expertise, I am well-equipped to design, deploy, and maintain highly secure and scalable AWS infrastructures.

    Type: AWS::Lambda::Function
      FunctionName: cloud-engineer-joke-function
      Runtime: python3.8
      Handler: index.handler
        ZipFile: |
          import json

          def lambda_handler(event, context):
              return {'statusCode': 200, 'body': json.dumps("Why did the cloud engineer bring an umbrella to work? In case of a server meltdown!")}          


In my day-to-day experience, I have had the opportunity to utilize Oracle services to deploy and manage instances. I find Oracle to be an intriguing alternative to AWS, offering a range of powerful features and capabilities. I particularly appreciate the availability of the always-free tier, which allows for cost-effective exploration and experimentation with Oracle’s services. This has enabled me to gain valuable hands-on experience and expand my knowledge in working with Oracle’s cloud offerings.

Why did the database administrator bring a ladder to work? To climb the Oracle!

Digital Ocean

I have leveraged DigitalOcean, along with Linode, to gain practical experience in application deployment. Understanding how to deploy applications across different cloud providers is a valuable skill set that I have developed. DigitalOcean has provided me with an excellent platform to explore and enhance my knowledge in cloud infrastructure management and application hosting. The hands-on experience I have gained through working with DigitalOcean has further strengthened my capabilities in delivering efficient and scalable solutions.

Why did the developer choose DigitalOcean? Because they wanted to make waves in the cloud!

Home Lab Dell Poweredge T610 and microserver

In my home lab, I utilize Dell Poweredge T610 and Microserver systems to create a versatile and efficient environment. The Poweredge T610 serves as the foundation for my Proxmox virtualization platform, allowing me to virtualize various components such as Docker images, cloud-init with Linux instances, or cloud environments. This enables me to create and manage firewalls, users, groups, permissions, and more, simulating diverse environments effortlessly. Proxmox is a powerful tool for virtualization, providing quick deployment and management of virtual machines. With its capabilities, I can efficiently utilize resources and experiment with different configurations and scenarios. Additionally, the Dell T610 enhances my home lab by allowing me to simulate real bare-metal environments and run multiple instances simultaneously. This setup grants me extensive flexibility and the ability to adapt to various use cases and workloads.

Why did the IT enthusiast turn their garage into a server room? Because home is where the server is!

Operating systems

I can operate and run programs on most OS including Linux, Mac and Windows.


Oracle VM VirtualBox I use for quick system virtualization and networking.

I use Proxmox on my Dell Poweredge t610 to run and virtualize everything.

Docker, docker containers and K8S I do understand the concept and need for this technology. I can run containers on my home lab environment as well as on cloud providers like AWS, Digital Ocean or Oracle Cloud.

CMS & Framework

I use HUGO to run this static website on AWS S3 entirely for free. Laravel is my favourite framework based on PHP MySQL and Redis.

Programmes and apps I have families with

  • Terraform - I run and automate AWS cloud and home lab environments using Terraform.
  • Kubernetes - Docker image orchestration
  • Ansible - I use it for automation and server configuration
  • Docker - This is something I know for sure but more often I use virtualization.
  • Termius - I use this to manage all CLI terminals SSH connections and much more.
  • Git - I use it for storing some code and sharing and cooperating with others
  • MySQL workbench - to work with MySQL locally and remotely.
  • Nginx and Apache - to run web servers.
  • PhpStorm & VS Code

Programming languages

  • Php - my PHP is a little rusty because I use the framework, and some ready-to-go projects and mostly focus on infrastructure.
  • MySql - always with PHP I got to do with MySQL or SQLite
  • Html - to organize frontend HTML is essential
  • CSS - as above 👆
  • Java scripting - some fireworks for frontend
  • Bash scripting - to work with Linux and cloud automation
  • JSON, YAML or Tom - for cloud automation

My full Cv

View or download 👇


Connect with me:

1479050 marcin.mitruk docker https://larablogger.com/feed

Languages and Tools I am familiar with:

aws bash css3 docker git html5 hugo javascript linux mariadb mysql nginx php postgresql redis sass sqlite vagrant webpack
