
Install Dependencies

Update and upgrade repo and install make

sudo apt update
sudo apt install git make -y
sudo apt install gcc libpcap-dev libnetfilter-queue-dev -y

Steps to Install Go and Build Evilginx

Install Go

First, you need to install the Go programming language. You can do this by downloading and installing the latest version of Go.

sudo apt install -y golang-go -y

Ensure that Go is installed correctly by checking its version.

go version

Set Up Go Environment

Set the GOPATH environment variable to point to your Go workspace. Add the following lines to your .bashrc or .profile file:

echo 'export GOPATH=$HOME/go' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$GOPATH/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Clone Evilginx Repository, build Evilginx

git clone
cd evilginx2
sudo make install

Start Evilginx

sudo evilginx

Check for DNS Service on Port 53

Ensure that no other service is using port 53. You can check this with:

sudo lsof -i :53

To stop systemd-resolved temporarily:

sudo systemctl stop systemd-resolved

To disable it permanently (use with caution):

sudo systemctl disable systemd-resolved

Start again Evilginx

sudo evilginx

Basic Commands:

Show Help


Set Up Phishing Site

config domain
 config ip your.server.ip

Check Configuration


List Available Phishlets


Enable a Phishlet

 phishlets enable <phishlet_name>

Disable a Phishlet

 phishlets disable <phishlet_name>

List Active Phishlets

 phishlets list

Create a Lure

 lures create <phishlet_name>

Get Lure URL

 lures get-url <lure_id>

List Lures


Delete a Lure

 lures delete <lure_id>

List Sessions


Show Session Details

sessions <session_id>

Configure SSL/TLS Certificates

config certs /path/to/ssl/certificate /path/to/private/key

Reload Phishlets

 phishlets reload

Let’s create S3 bucket

Click create bucket to create one
