
Webmin is a web-based management interface for system administration of *nix systems. It allows remote management of your system without having to manually modify the configuration files. It lets you install packages like LAMP stack, mail servers, WordPress etc. and setup & configure – firewalls, DNS, FTP servers, users, file sharing etc. all through a remote web interface. It is a must - have tool for systems and web administrators.

Download Webmin

Create Webmin Yum Repository Create the /etc/yum.repos.d/webmin.repo

sudo nano /etc/yum.repos.d/webmin.repo

Add the following text into the file once repository is created

name=Webmin Distribution Neutral

You should also fetch and install GPG key with which the packages are signed, with the commands:

wget http://www.webmin.com/jcameron-key.asc
sudo rpm -import jcameron-key.asc

Update instance:

sudo yum update -y & yum upgrade -y



You will now be able to install webmin with the command:

sudo yum install webmin

Press **Y** on output to continue installation:


Output of successfully installation:

inbound rouls

All dependencies should be resolved automatically.

Configure Webmin

After installation of Webmin on Linux and when you try to access it over the internet using https://www.example.com:10000/ or https://ipaddress:10000, the browser shows following error:

The Web Server is running in SSL mode. Try the URL https://SERVER IP ADDRESS:10000/ instead.

To fix this problem we have to disable the SSL mode for the control panel. Following are the steps to disable SSL mode and run webmin in normal mode. Update the /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf file and change ssl=1 to ssl=0:

sudo nano /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf

change line with #ssl=1 to ssl=0


Restart Webmin

sudo /etc/webmin/restart

Now you can access Webmin in browser using following url. Change domain name with your server IP. https://www.example.com:10000


Update you security group inbound to allow TCP from port 10000

inbound rouls

Wait! What is my login password?

By default, the password of Webmin root user is the same as Linux root user. However, you cannot log in as a root user since there is no password for Amazon Linux root user. But you may force update the password of Webmin root user in order to login Webmin, Run the following command:

sudo /usr/libexec/webmin/changepass.pl /etc/webmin root NEWPASSWORD

Now restart the webmin, go back to browser and try to log in with the new password, it should work.

sudo /etc/webmin/restart


Now you know how to install Webmin on Amazon Linux/CentOS/RHEL. After following this tutorial, you should have a fully functioning copy of Webmin set up and ready to use.