Create Amazon S3 Bucket  [draft]

We will create s3 bucket In this article will create our first S3 bucket Let’s create S3 bucket Click create bucket to create one Give the bucket name and choose the region Public access is block by default If we want we can enable public access here Access is block by default You can enable if needed Create bucket Upload file Now we can upload some files from our computer Properties under properties, we can choose storage class Encryption Enable or disable encryption for the bucket We choose not to have encryption Upload upload files to the bucket Files in the bucket Our files now in the bucket URL We can use this URL to access our files from the browser Conclusion We just create our first bucket and upload some files....

July 31, 2022 · Marcin M

Using Route 53 Routing Policies  [draft]

We will create Route 53 Routing policies base on latency. Where there is no red arrow or description, leave the default value. First we need to create two web servers with sample web code in to different region. To do this exercise, we need running to servers Use sample user data code to create it. Copy code and run as user data when launch servers Copy and past code To use this code you have to use AWS Amazon Linux ISO!...

July 30, 2022 · Marcin M

Create an Auto Scaling Group  [draft]

We will create lunche template and auto-scaling group Where there is no red arrow or description, leave the default values Under the instances select Lunch Template We do not have any templates so create one Give it a name and scroll down We put LT1 witch stands for Lunch Template 1 Chose AMI and instance type In our case is Amazon Linux 2 & t2.micro Select your Key pair your VPC and security group You have to have you key pair created or click create new key pair....

July 16, 2022 · Marcin M

How To Install Webmin on Amazon Linux/CentOS/RHEL

Webmin Webmin is a web-based management interface for system administration of *nix systems. It allows remote management of your system without having to manually modify the configuration files. It lets you install packages like LAMP stack, mail servers, WordPress etc. and setup & configure – firewalls, DNS, FTP servers, users, file sharing etc. all through a remote web interface. It is a must - have tool for systems and web administrators....

May 29, 2022 · Marcin

SSH into EC2 in Private Subnet

You might be running Amazon EC2 instances in public and private subnets and need a way to SSH into the EC2 instances in the private subnet. You can SSH into EC2 instances in a private subnet using SSH agent forwarding. This method allows you to securely connect to Linux instances in private Amazon VPC subnets via a bastion host (aka jump host) that is located in a public subnet....

April 29, 2022 · Marcin